It isn't difficult at all to spot the signs of a cheating spouse if you know what they are. These signs are simply that: Warnings that an affair might be going on. You just need to keep your eyes and ears open review for the signs of infidelity. Once you have gathered enough supporting evidence that your spouse is having an affair, it's time to confront him or her with the facts.
Using your own intuition is probably the best thing to do when you first have a feeling that your spouse is cheating. If you feel in your gut that something is going on, then it's time that you took some action by being cognitive of your spouse's behavior. Is he acting and dressing normally or has something changed? Is your spouse going about his day in the usual way and are his work habits the same? Keep your eyes sharp and focused and keep a written record of any noticeable changes.
Also keep your ears tuned to everything going on around you. Listen for remarks made by your spouse and determine if his remarks have suddenly become critical and lacking in emotion. Does your spouse refuse to talk about certain things with you? Watch for any lies that he is telling and keep track of them in your written journal.
Have you noticed any unusual odors on him or his clothing? If you smell an unfamiliar perfume or see a lipstick stain, write this information down. If possible, check the interior of his car for any unrecognizable items or odors.
Has your spouse shut down his emotions and really doesn't seem to care about you or his family? Has he lost all interest in your home and family activities? Is your marriage on a continual rollercoaster review with tension brewing all the time? If so, these things should be written down for future reference.
Make sure that you stay alert to everything going on in your husband's life if you are seeing signs of a cheating spouse in his behavioral patterns. Don't take anything for granted and keep detailed records of all the information you gather. This will be vitally important if you need it for legal matters later on.