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Writer's picturejasmine wilson

A Look at 10 Signs of a Cheating Spouse

If you think that your spouse is having an affair, then there are some ways that you can find out for sure. Taking a look at the 10 signs of a cheating spouse might help you make some life-altering decisions. It is never fun to deal with these kinds of issues, but you deserve to know the truth about what's going on. Don't just sit back and do nothing because review the rest of your life depends on the decisions you make now.

A few things that a cheating spouse might do are easily recognized if you know what you're looking for.

1.) Often when a spouse is having an affair, he or she becomes more attentive to you. You may suddenly find that you are getting flowers or gifts for no particular reason. Your spouse actually feels guilty and is trying to make amends to you.

2.) As the affair progresses along, your spouse may start to criticize you for small things that you do. He or she finds things that you do very irritating and just can't help but bring them to your attention.

3.) Your once dependable spouse completely losses interest in you, the family and your home. Nothing gets done and very little attention is given to the well being of the children.

4.) You have a feeling that something very wrong is going on but can't quite put your finger on it.

5.) Your sex life as it once was is almost non-existent. Your spouse suddenly comes up with "new" ways to have sex.

6.) Your finances seem a bit off. Things like bank balances, credit card charges and so on are unexplained.

7.) Quite suddenly your spouse changes his or her appearance. In other words, a once conservative person suddenly starts wearing chains, review tight jeans and cowboy boots!

8.) You've noticed some strange things like lipstick marks, perfume odors, unknown phone numbers and so on.

9.) There is unexplained mileage on your car's mileage gauge or your spouse is suddenly called to unexpected meetings and so on after work.

10.) Your spouse talks very low on the phone or always manages to take his calls in the bathroom, the closet or far away from you.

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